Troubleshooting common dehumidifier issues – when to call in the professionals


Dehumidifiers play a crucial role in maintaining optimal levels of relative humidity in your home or workspace, reducing the growth of allergens like mold and mildew, and improving overall indoor air quality. 

However, like any appliance, dehumidifiers can sometimes experience issues that may affect their performance. Fortunately, many of these issues are relatively simple to troubleshoot, and you can often remedy them with minimal effort. But in some cases, it’s wise to call in the professionals to ensure a smooth and safe repair.

Explore some common dehumidifier issues, how to troubleshoot them, and signs that it’s time to call Fix It 24/7 Air Conditioning. With the right knowledge and support, you can maintain a comfortable and healthy living environment in your Charleston, South Carolina home.

Common Dehumidifier Issues and Troubleshooting Tips

To tackle common dehumidifier problems, it’s helpful to understand their causes and possible solutions. Here are some prevalent issues and troubleshooting tips:

Dehumidifier Not Turning On

If your dehumidifier doesn’t turn on, try the following steps:

  1. Check the Power Source: Ensure the device is properly plugged into a functional outlet. Test the outlet with another appliance, and verify if any circuit breakers or fuses have been tripped or blown.


  2. Verify the Settings: Make sure the humidity level is set below the current room humidity. If your dehumidifier is equipped with a timer, confirm that it is not accidentally set.


  3. Examine the Water Tank: Dehumidifiers often have a safety switch that shuts off the unit when the tank is full. Empty the tank, reinsert it correctly, and make sure the switch is not damaged.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it’s time to consult with our professionals.

Dehumidifier Not Collecting Water

When a dehumidifier isn’t collecting water, consider the following:

  1. Check the Temperature: Dehumidifiers may struggle to operate in colder temperatures. Ensure the room temperature is not below the recommended range specified in the owner’s manual.


  2. Inspect the Air Filter: A dirty air filter can impede airflow and reduce the dehumidifier’s efficiency. Clean or replace the filter according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.


  3. Examine the Coils: Inspect the evaporator and condenser coils for dust, dirt, and ice buildup. If frozen or excessively dirty, defrost and clean the coils.


  4. Determine If the Room Is Too Dry: Your dehumidifier may not collect water if the room’s humidity level is already low. Use a hygrometer to confirm the humidity level and adjust your dehumidifier settings as needed.

Should these steps prove unsuccessful, it’s best to seek our expert assistance.

Dehumidifier Running but Not Reducing Humidity

If your dehumidifier is running but not effectively reducing humidity in the room, try these troubleshooting tips:

  1. Verify the Unit’s Capacity: The device may be underpowered for the size of the room or level of humidity. Consult the owner’s manual for recommended room capacity and consider upgrading the unit if necessary.


  2. Close Doors and Windows: Ensure that all doors and windows in the area are closed to prevent excess humidity coming in from outside.


  3. Inspect the Coils: Ensure the evaporator and condenser coils are clean and free of frost or ice.


  4. Assess the fan and compressor operation: Confirm that the fan and compressor are working appropriately. If either component appears faulty, it’s essential to contact our technicians for repairs.

Dehumidifier Leaking Water

A dehumidifier that’s leaking water can be caused by various issues:

  1. Inspect the Water Tank: Verify that the tank is properly inserted and not damaged or cracked. If you find any damage, replace the tank.


  2. Check for Clogs: Clogged connections or hoses can cause leaks. Inspect them for blockages and clean as needed.


  3. Monitor the Condensation: If excessive condensation is forming on the coils, it may drip onto the floor. This issue can be resolved by checking and sealing all access points of humid air and adjusting the dehumidifier settings.

Should these solutions fail to resolve the leak, our professionals can help you identify and fix the problem.

When to Call Our Professionals

Sometimes, problems can be too complicated or risky for DIY troubleshooting, warranting professional assistance. Here are some situations where you’ll want to call our technicians:

  1. Electrical Issues: If you suspect a problem with wiring, switches, or circuitry, it’s always better to consult with our professionals to prevent shock hazards or damage to your dehumidifier.


  2. Refrigerant Leaks: A refrigerant leak can be dangerous and requires expert attention to repair and refill the refrigerant.


  3. Component Replacements: If a dehumidifier component, like the fan motor or compressor, is damaged, our technicians can safely and effectively perform the replacement.

Your Go-To Experts for Dehumidifier Solutions

Troubleshooting common dehumidifier issues is often a straightforward process that can be handled by homeowners. However, in certain instances, it’s crucial to call in our skilled technicians to prevent further damage and ensure a safe repair. By understanding the signs that warrant professional help and maintaining a proactive approach, you can ensure a comfortable and healthy indoor environment for your Charleston, South Carolina home.

Don’t let dehumidifier issues go unresolved – get in touch with the experts at Fix It 24/7 Air Conditioning today. Our team is dedicated to providing reliable, quality dehumidifier repair and maintenance services for your dehumidifier and other essential home systems. Trust our professionals to keep your home functioning at its best. Contact us now to schedule a service or consultation with our experienced technicians!


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